Thomas Turner - Negro League Baseball


Fort Huachua is a historical U.S. Army site for black soldiers.  This history brought them in contact with Native American and Mexican culture.  Black soldiers in World War II were the last to occupy the Fort as an active military training base.   


Tom revisted Fort Huachuca in 2002 with his wife, daughter and great-granddaughter.  They saw and experienced the reality of all the stories Tom has been telling about his time in Arizona.   Huachuca means "thunder" and is taken from the storms that occur in the surrounding mountains.

The base public relations officer met with Tom and took his picture for an article to appear in The Fort Huachuca Scout which replaced The Apache Sentinel. 


This photo is taken from a Fort Huachuca informational booklet obtained in 1982.  The post houses an Army communications and intelligence training and operation and is a national historic landmark.


The temperature in the Arizona desert was over 100 degrees on Tom's visit in 2002.  Inside the cool, dark museum  artists renderings of Geronimo and other Apache resistance warriors dominated.  Geronimo's quote: "We will fight to the knife."


Once more, Tom gets his picture and his memories in the Fort Huachuca post paper. 


Tom appears with the SCU baseball team in a picture with Lena Horne that is on display in the Fort Museum; and again with an officer, Tom adopts his signature stance. 

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